Selenium Interview Questions and Answers

Let’s dive into Selenium Interview Questions and Answers. Interviewers may ask about Selenium to assess your automation testing skills. Be prepared to explain Selenium’s purpose, key components like WebDriver, and its role in web application testing. Highlight experience with test automation frameworks, handling dynamic elements, and cross-browser testing. Discuss challenges faced and solutions implemented. Emphasize your coding proficiency in languages like Java or Python. Mention familiarity with page object model (POM), testNG, and reporting tools. Convey adaptability to industry trends and continuous learning. Be ready to showcase practical problem-solving through examples from your Selenium testing experience.

Q. What is Selenium testing?

Selenium testing is a framework for automating web applications to perform testing tasks. It provides a way to interact with web browsers, mimicking user actions, and validating expected outcomes, ensuring the functionality and reliability of web applications across different browsers and platforms.

Selenium supports various programming languages, allowing testers to write scripts in languages like Java, Python, C#, and more. It is widely used for functional testing, regression testing, and automating repetitive tasks in web development. Selenium WebDriver, a key component, enables direct communication with web browsers, facilitating the automation of complex interactions with web elements.

Q. Mention some of the popular tools used for Automation testing.

Several popular tools are widely used for automation testing across different domains. Here are some notable ones:

1. Selenium: A versatile and widely adopted open-source framework for web application testing, supporting various programming languages.

2. Appium:  An open-source automation tool for mobile applications, supporting both Android and iOS platforms.

3. JUnit:  A popular testing framework for Java, often used for unit testing, supporting annotations for test configuration.

4. TestNG:  A testing framework inspired by JUnit, but with additional features like parallel execution, parameterization, and better reporting.

5. Cucumber: A tool for behavior-driven development (BDD) that allows tests to be written in natural language, facilitating collaboration between technical and non-technical team members.

6. Jenkins:  An open-source automation server that supports building, testing, and deploying code continuously, promoting continuous integration and delivery.

7. TestComplete:  A commercial automation tool that supports both web and desktop application testing and offers a script-free automation option.

8. Robot Framework:  An open-source, keyword-driven test automation framework that supports both web and mobile application testing.

9. Postman:  Originally known for API testing, Postman has evolved to support end-to-end testing with features like automated testing, scripting, and performance testing.

10. SikuliX:  A tool that uses image recognition to automate graphical user interface (GUI) interactions, making it suitable for scenarios where traditional methods might fall short.

These tools cater to various testing needs, including web and mobile application testing, unit testing, continuous integration, and more. The choice of a particular tool often depends on the project requirements, the technology stack used, and the testing objectives.

Q. How can you find elements in Selenium? Mention all selenium locators.

Selenium provides a variety of locators to find elements on a web page. Each locator is designed to locate different types of elements based on specific attributes. Here are the main Selenium locators:

  • ID Locator:

    • Syntax: driver.findElement("yourId"))
  • Name Locator:

    • Syntax: driver.findElement("yourName"))
  • Class Name Locator:

    • Syntax: driver.findElement(By.className("yourClassName"))
  • Tag Name Locator:

    • Syntax: driver.findElement(By.tagName("yourTagName"))
  • Link Text Locator (for anchor tags):

    • Syntax: driver.findElement(By.linkText("yourLinkText"))
  • Partial Link Text Locator (for partial match of link text):

    • Syntax: driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("partialLinkText"))
  • XPath Locator:

    • Syntax: driver.findElement(By.xpath("yourXPath"))
    • XPath is a powerful and flexible way to locate elements using path expressions.
  • CSS Selector Locator:

    • Syntax: driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("yourCssSelector"))
    • CSS selectors are another way to locate elements based on CSS path expressions.

Explore : Selenium Web Element Locators

Q. What are the advantages of Selenium?

Selenium is a widely used open-source framework for automating web browsers, and it offers several advantages for web application testing and automation:

  1. Cross-Browser Compatibility:

    • Selenium supports multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer. This allows you to test the compatibility of your web application across different browsers.
  2. Multi-Language Support:

    • Selenium supports multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. This flexibility enables automation engineers to choose the language they are most comfortable with or that best fits their project requirements.
  3. Platform Independence:

    • Selenium can be used on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. This platform independence allows teams to develop and execute tests on their preferred operating systems.
  4. Open Source:

    • Selenium is open-source, meaning it is freely available for use, modification, and distribution. The open-source community actively contributes to its development, resulting in a robust and continuously evolving tool.
  5. Extensibility:

    • Selenium can be extended through the use of various plugins and frameworks. For example, Selenium WebDriver, a key component of Selenium, supports third-party browser drivers and integrates with other tools and frameworks.
  6. Large Community and Support:

    • Selenium has a large and active community of users, developers, and experts. This community provides ample resources such as forums, documentation, and tutorials, making it easier to find solutions to common issues.
  7. Parallel Execution:

    • Selenium allows the execution of tests in parallel, which can significantly reduce the time required for test execution. This is crucial for large test suites and continuous integration pipelines.
  8. Integration with Testing Frameworks:

    • Selenium can be easily integrated with popular testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, and others. This integration facilitates the organization, execution, and reporting of test cases.
  9. Support for Different Testing Levels:

    • Selenium can be used for various testing levels, including functional, regression, and acceptance testing. It is suitable for both small-scale projects and large, complex web applications.
  10. Automated Testing of Web Applications:

    • Selenium is primarily designed for automating web applications, allowing testers to perform repetitive tasks, regression testing, and ensure the functionality of web pages across different scenarios.
Q. What is the difference between findElement and findElements in selenium?

In Selenium, findElement and findElements are methods used to locate elements on a webpage. They serve similar purposes but have distinct differences in their usage and the type of results they return.


  • Purpose: Used to locate a single web element on a webpage.
  • Return Type: Returns a single WebElement object.
  • Behavior on Failure: Throws a NoSuchElementException if the specified element is not found.
  • Usage: Typically used when you are certain that the element you are trying to locate is unique (e.g., locating an element by its unique ID).
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(“uniqueElementId”));


  • Purpose: Used to locate multiple web elements that match the specified criteria on a webpage.
  • Return Type: Returns a list of WebElement objects (List<WebElement>).
  • Behavior on Failure: Returns an empty list if no matching elements are found, instead of throwing an exception.
  • Usage: Used when you expect multiple elements to match the criteria (e.g., locating all elements with a certain class name).
    List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.className(“commonClassName”));

    Key Differences

    1. Return Value:

      • findElement: Returns a single WebElement.
      • findElements: Returns a list of WebElement objects.
    2. Handling Non-existent Elements:

      • findElement: Throws NoSuchElementException if no element is found.
      • findElements: Returns an empty list if no elements are found.
    3. Use Cases:

      • findElement: Use when you are sure only one element should be returned.
      • findElements: Use when you expect multiple elements or are unsure how many elements will match.
Q. What are different types of waits in selenium?

In Selenium, there are three primary types of waits to handle synchronization issues: Implicit Waits, Explicit Waits, and Fluent Waits. Each type of wait serves different purposes and provides varying levels of control over waiting for conditions to be met.


1. Implicit Wait

Implicit Wait is used to set a default waiting time throughout the WebDriver instance. If the WebDriver instance cannot find an element immediately, it will wait for the specified time before throwing a NoSuchElementException.

// Applies to all element searches


2. Explicit Wait
Explicit Wait allows you to wait for a specific condition to occur before proceeding. This is more flexible and powerful compared to implicit waits as it allows waiting for specific conditions to be met.

Common Expected Conditions:

  • visibilityOfElementLocated(By locator)
  • elementToBeClickable(By locator)
  • presenceOfElementLocated(By locator)
  • titleIs(String title)
  • urlToBe(String url)

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10));
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(“loginButton”)));;


3. Fluent Wait

Fluent Wait is an extension of explicit wait that allows more control over the waiting process, including the polling frequency and specifying exceptions to ignore.

Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<>(driver)
.ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class, StaleElementReferenceException.class);

WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(“dynamicElement”)));


  • Implicit Wait:
    • Applies globally to the WebDriver instance.
    • Simple to use but can lead to longer-than-necessary wait times if used indiscriminately.
    • Can cause inefficiencies due to waiting the full timeout period for each element.
  • Explicit Wait:
    • Allows waiting for specific conditions.
    • More efficient as it targets specific elements and conditions.
    • Can be used multiple times in a test script for different elements and conditions.
  • Fluent Wait:
    • Provides fine-grained control over waiting, including polling intervals.
    • Useful for handling highly dynamic web applications.
    • Allows ignoring specific exceptions during the wait period.
Q. How do you perform mouse and keyboard actions using SeleniumWebDriver?

Performing mouse and keyboard actions using Selenium WebDriver can be done using the Actions class. This class provides a way to simulate complex user interactions like hovering, clicking, double-clicking, right-clicking, dragging and dropping, and keyboard events such as sending keys, key up, and key down.


Create an instance of the Actions class:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);


  1. To click on an element:
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(“someElementId”));;
  2. Double Click:
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(“someElementId”));
  3. Right Click (Context Click):
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(“someElementId”));
  4. Click and Hold:
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(“someElementId”));
  5. Release (after Click and Hold):
  6. Move to Element:
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(“someElementId”));
  7. Drag and Drop:
    WebElement source = driver.findElement(“sourceElementId”));
    WebElement target = driver.findElement(“targetElementId”));
    actions.dragAndDrop(source, target).perform();
    Action dragAndDrop = builder.clickAndHold(fromElement)
Q. Find broken links on the page using Selenium?
public class BrokenLinksChecker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Set the path to the chromedriver executable
System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");

// Initialize WebDriver
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

try {
// Open the target URL

// Find all links on the page
List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));

// Check each link
for (WebElement link : links) {
String url = link.getAttribute("href");
if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) {
} else {
System.out.println("Broken link: " + link.getText() + " (URL is empty or null)");
} finally {
// Close the browser

public static void checkLink(String url) {

try {
URL link = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) link.openConnection();
httpURLConnection.setConnectTimeout(3000); // Set connection timeout to 3 seconds

if (httpURLConnection.getResponseCode() == 200) {
System.out.println(url + " - " + httpURLConnection.getResponseMessage());
} else {
System.out.println(url + " - " + httpURLConnection.getResponseMessage() + " - " + "is a broken link");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(url + " - " + "is a broken link");

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